

For those that know me, they would never thought to see the day I would change my personal website over to WordPress. I won’t lie, I’m not a fan of WordPress. In fact, I spent a summer at a web design firm writing a new CMS solution to use instead of WordPress. Even now that I use it, I don’t like it. So why am I using it? In short, I get a lot of clients asking to use it and I don’t have a good reason to tell them not to use it. Sure I have my list of problems with it, but for some of my clients, its perfect for them. So I’m biting my tongue and taking the plunge. I also saw some creative uses of WordPress through plugins that could of saved hundreds of dollars of development and I wanted to play around with it. Before you call me a hypocrite, keep in mind I have multiple development servers in house that run over 50 Open-Source projects. The truth of the matter is that everyone of those projects has something valuable in it, I may not like them all, but they serve a purpose and for some are the perfect solution. To ignore them would be a careless oversight on my part. So to end, I did it. I’m using WordPress. I still don’t like it but I have my reasons to be using it, mostly to get a better grasp on it so when clients ask how to do this I can easily help them.

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I'm a 35 year old UIUC Computer Engineer building mobile apps, websites and hardware integrations with an interest in 3D printing, biotechnology and Arduinos.

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