
Dell RPS-720 Cable Pinout

If you own a Dell Redundant Power Supply unit (e.g. RPS-600 or RPS-720), hopefully you have the original 4 cables it came with because they are very difficult to find and you can’t even order them from Dell. There are not many details about these cords online which adds to the mystery of them. Interestingly, they are not as [...]

iOS Swift

Xcode to Swift Versions

Recently I’ve ran into an old legacy project that my company built years ago and was then left untouched for a while. Having to open up that old code quickly ran into the issue of what version of Xcode do you need to be able to run Swift 2.3 code? Download Older Xcodes from Swift 2.2 [...]


WIFI Signal Degrades More Than You Think


Using Node-Red to send commands to Wifi LED Controllers