Keycodes for WeChip W1 Universal TV Remote
The WeChip W1 AirMouse is a nice usb remote that has some strange keycodes setup. Thankfully for most OS you can do a keyboard remap and get these to what you want.
Windows – SharpKeys
Mac – Karabiner Elements
Linux – Xmodmap

Power button is not any keycode, it sends a command that triggers the dongle to usb wake.
OK button is 28 (Enter)
Up Arrow is 103 (Numpad 7)
Right Arrow is 106 (Numpad 6)
Down Arrow is 108 (Numpad 2)
Left Arrow is 105 (Numpad 4)
Air Cursor mode is not any keycode, it enables the accelerometer to HID Mouse mode.
Home button is 172 (Homepage)
Back button is 158 (Back)
Settings button is 127 (Compose Email)
Volume Up is 115 (Volume Increase)
Volume Down is 114 (Volume Decrease)
Other Keycodes of Interest
If you are looking to remap keys to some other purpose you might find this list helpful:
- Escape is 1
- Close CD is 160
- Eject CD is 161
- Close/Eject CD is 162
- Play/Pause is 164
- Pause is 119
- Stop is 128
- Mute is 113
- Sleep is 142
- Wake is 143
- Power is 116
- F1 is 59
- F2 is 60
- Select is 314
- Start is 315