Simple Free Open Source MP3 CLI Tag Editor
There are lots of mp3 tag editors out there, but I wanted a simpler cross platform solution. This cli runs on Mac, Windows and Linux and offers a minimalist quick way to make bulk changes.
mp3edit --help
mp3edit <options> <filename>
easy mp3 tag editor and simple audio operations
version 1.0.3 built 2022-06-25
-title="New Title"
-artist="New Artist"
-album="New Album"
To just view current tags of file(s), you can pass
mp3edit *.mp3
1 20231218 2051 Recording 2.mp3
2 Dashboard Confessional - Tonight I'll Take What I Can Get.mp3
Title: Tonight I'll Take What I Can Get
Artist: Dashboard Confessional
Album: The Shade of Poison Tree
3 Halloran & Kate - Last Christmas.mp3
Title: Last Christmas
Artist: Halloran & Kate
Album: Last Christmas
To make a changes, you have a variety of flags that you can use. The --clear
flag processes first and will remove all ID3 tags. Then any set flags will apply afterwards.
mp3edit --clear --artist="Use Quotes with Spaces" --title First filename.mp3
1 filename.mp3
Title: Previous title
Use Quotes with Spaces
Future Ideas
- I would like to somehow integrate in a music database lookup so you can just enable a flag like
and let it unify your mp3 files for you. I would like to make sure it has an easy undo when it mismatches. - I want to get this so you can do an
apt-get install mp3edit
oryum install mp3edit
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