Mac OS
Mac OS

Parallel Desktop Mac VM Network Issues

If you use Parallel Desktop on a M1 M2 Apple Silicon mac, the experience is not great. Its their first stab at using the new Apple Hypervisor virtualization framework. You will notice all of the settings pages are basically none existent.

On a fresh install of a VM, it seems to work fine but over time things stop working. One of them may be the network and accessing any website.

No Network Solution

If you get the You Are Not Connected to the Internet message in Safari, it may be an issue with the DHCP server in Parallel Desktop.

If you open Apple > System Preferences > Network and see that the IP is the auto-set local link 169.254.33.x address instead of something in the 192.168.64.x network.

So lets override it manually.

Configure IPv4: Manually
IP Address : (change the .5 to not overlap any other vms you have)
Subnet Mask :
Router :

Also go into Advanced… at the bottom and switch to the DNS tab. Set it to which is Google’s public dns or set it to your local dns if you need custom dns entries.

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I'm a 35 year old UIUC Computer Engineer building mobile apps, websites and hardware integrations with an interest in 3D printing, biotechnology and Arduinos.

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