Kindle, Nook, Libre Ebook Readers

I’ve been in the market trying to buy an ebook reader.  After holding all of these, I came to the conclusion to not buy any of them. They are either too small to be useful or slow interface or both.

Amazon Kindle Review

Probably the best of the bunch, it has a nice 3G network, Amazon accessible, use of a memory card to add books, thin size and others. Cons – poor pdf support, annoyingly slow page turns and inverted screen flashes due to the eink screen, screen isn’t all that big. VERDICT : don’t buy.

Barnes and Noble Nook Review

Ok funny story, I go to the bn store to see a nook wifi in real life. I go, and the salesperson can’t show me pdfs on it, and is trying to sell me on the bn store/accessories (not interested…). I ask about the return policy and its 14 days for any reason with a receipt. So I say, OK, I’ll buy a nook wifi. She looks at me with a daze and tells me that they don’t have any at the store to sell me. REALLY BN? You setup a launch, setup sales persons to sell it and when someone says I’ll buy it you don’t know what to do!?!?! FAIL

Pro – better design than kindle, color touch screen, removable battery, usb, memory card, cheaper than kindle – $150.

Con – thicker than kindle, worse page refreshes, slower, no good navigation keys, less battery life, cheaper one lacks 3g, poor pdf support

Sony & Libre Ebook Review

Pro – Cheapest, ok pdf support

Con – tiny 5″ screen, you are better just buying GoodReader for your iphone/ipod.

After all of that, I came to the conclusion that there are no good ebook readers. Until then I’m stuck on my ipod touch’s 3 inch screen using GoodReader. Amazing PDF support with reflow.  Maybe one day someone will make a 9-10″ bw ebook reader for $100 with good pdf support. Maybe.

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I'm a 35 year old UIUC Computer Engineer building mobile apps, websites and hardware integrations with an interest in 3D printing, biotechnology and Arduinos.

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