IR Codes for Insignia TV Remote NS-RC4NA-14
I’m currently working on a project that will create an small ultra cheap IoT device that will link to Alexa or Google Home to allow you to control any IR device with your voice. Its in the ballpark of what a Logitech Harmony Hub can do but for a fraction of the cost.
In doing that I needed to get the IR codes of my bedroom TV and to save anyone else’s time from reverse engineering why the IR codes are what they are, here is what I found.
Insignia remote uses the prefix 61A0 with 32-bit NEC encoding.
If you are using a C styled language, here it is in defines to copy and paste into your code:
#define KEY_POWER "61A0F00F"
#define KEY_INPUT "61A0B847"
#define KEY_ONE "61A000FF"
#define KEY_TWO "61A0807F"
#define KEY_THREE "61A040BF"
#define KEY_FOUR "61A0C03F"
#define KEY_FIVE "61A020DF"
#define KEY_SIX "61A0A05F"
#define KEY_SEVEN "61A0609F"
#define KEY_EIGHT "61A0E01F"
#define KEY_NINE "61A010 EF"
#define KEY_ZERO "61A0906F"
#define KEY_DECIMAL "61A0827D"
#define KEY_LOOP "61A008F7"
#define KEY_MENU "61A028D7"
#define KEY_HOME "61A09D62"
#define KEY_EXIT "61A0D827"
#define KEY_INFO "61A0E817"
#define KEY_UP "61A042BD"
#define KEY_DOWN "61A0C23D"
#define KEY_LEFT "61A06897"
#define KEY_RIGHT "61A0A857"
#define KEY_ENTER "61A018E7"
#define KEY_VOL_UP "61A030CF"
#define KEY_VOL_DWN "61A0B04F"
#define KEY_MUTE "61A0708F"
#define KEY_CHANNEL_UP "61A050AF"
#define KEY_CHANNEL_DWN "61A0D02F"
#define KEY_PLAY "61A00EF1"
#define KEY_PAUSE "61A0817E"
#define KEY_STOP "61A08E71"
#define KEY_REWIND "61A07E81"
#define KEY_FASTFORWARD "61A0BE41"
#define KEY_PREVTRACK "61A001FE"
#define KEY_NEXTTRACK "61A0FE01"
#define KEY_AUDIO "61A012ED"
#define KEY_PICTURE "61A0926D"
#define KEY_SLEEP "61A0C837"
#define KEY_FAVORITE "61A0D22D"
#define KEY_MTSSAP "61A08877"
#define KEY_ASPECT "61A022DD"
#define KEY_CCD "61A038C7"
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Thanks for posting this. I don’t have my remote control anymore but I was able to use these codes with an ESP8266 IR library to build a remote control.