7zip CLI to Generate sha256 Checksum File
On Windows, you have a nice right click menu option to have 7zip generate a sha256 file that sits next to the original. I wanted to script up a linux system to find all iso files and place the sha256 hash next to it. As you can see from the menu, its not the easiest thing to get to. But with this script you can just type And it will run [...]
CLI Fix Audio Level on Video Files
Some video files have very quiet audio and this simple command line bash script will find how much gain it can add without clipping and apply it. fix-audio-levels <filename> Install To install this simply run (ideally in a folder that is in your path like /usr/local/bin or ~/bin if you have one) curl [...]
Compressing epub in Linux CLI
Most epub files are not saved to have small filesizes because they expect you to download them once to a device. However, if you use something like calibre-web which stream the file to readers every time you open the epub reader, you will wish they used better compression. So epubs are actually just zip files with html text formatting [...]
Improving 10G Performance
When you first make the jump from 1G Ethernet to 10G you will be both impressed with the speed jump and also a bit disappointed that you can’t actually send a full DVD (8GB) in a second. Bottlenecks To get better 10G speed will require resolving many input/output bottlenecks on your network ranging from your disk drives being able [...]
Mounting USB exfat drive on Ubuntu
If you run ubuntu in command line, it doesn't auto mount usb devices like when you have the GUI up. Here is how I handle removable drives that transition between Mac, Linux and Window computers.