Mac OS

Disable SSL3 for Chrome on Mac

If you want to disable SSL3 support in Chrome on a Mac, you will find that there is no option in preferences and the site really only tells you how to do it on a PC. The security update is coming soon, but in the mean time, here is how to disable it.

  1. Close Chrome and delete it from the Dock
  2. Open Terminal (Applications > Utilities > Terminal)
  3. Launch Chrome with this option

/Applications/Google\\ Chrome –ssl-version-min=tls1

To test this, go to and you shouldn’t see a red banner at the top of the page.


What sites will look like that only support SSL3 and not TLS is:

Website with only SSL3 support

Website with only SSL3 support and browser set for TLS1 or higher

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I'm a 35 year old UIUC Computer Engineer building mobile apps, websites and hardware integrations with an interest in 3D printing, biotechnology and Arduinos.

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