Google OS
I like to be on the cutting edge of everything. I’m already running Microsoft Office 2010 Beta, Google Wave and I jumped at the chance to download Google OS. After a painful install of VMware’s Player, which now has my computer running a dozen virtual network cards which I know will come back to haunt me, I have to say, ehhh. I’ve ran linux virtualized before, so its not the fact that its virtualized that is giving it a bad review, its the lack of features that googleOS has. I read article after article that Google was reinventing the operating system, I was excited to see what they would do. I had thought up the idea of a WOS – web operating system a while ago but lacked the programming skill to do anything close to it. So when Google came up with it, I naturally said, damn that was my idea. Then when I saw it, I have to say, I’m disappointed.
GoogleOS is a linux kernel that boots up graphically to Chrome. Thats it. No new features. No features really at all. I always thought Chrome also lacked many of the options that Firefox and Internet Explorer had but this was a huge let down. If this is really the future of computing, I hope something happens to stop it. Google, you created some amazing hype and missed the mark by a long shot. Most pda’s and cellphones have more features than GoogleOS. Sorry Google, try again.