Web Development
Web Development

Matomo SMTP through Amazon SES

If you are self-hosting a matomo analytic instance, you may consider using Amazon SES to send the actual emails for password resets and scheduled reports. Getting the settings right can be a little painful though.

Note: Make sure to create your SMTP credentials in a region that has full email support, I normally use us-east-2 which doesn’t have full support and then have to recreate in us-west-2. (SES Console)

In Matomo, you will need to go to (Gear icon) Settings > General Settings > Email Server Settings

SMTP Server Address : email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
SMTP Port : 2587
Authentication method for SMTP : Login
SMTP Username : <your ses credentials>
SMTP Password : <your ses credentials>
SMTP from address : <email from a verified ses domain/address>
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I'm a 35 year old UIUC Computer Engineer building mobile apps, websites and hardware integrations with an interest in 3D printing, biotechnology and Arduinos.

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