Rattle Noise on 862D Solder Station
I’m really quite happy with the 862D+ soldering station, it heats quickly, user-controllable temperature, and overall good design. Except for my unit rattles.
Oddly, only when it is under no load (when both soldering and hot air disabled). At first, I thought this was a fan inside that wasn’t well tightened. But to my amazement, when I opened the unit, it had no fan and is quite empty.

The rattle is coming from a loose metal housing that sits over the transformer. To fix this, take a hot glue gun and fill the gap between the housing and the ferrite core. The transformer shouldn’t get hot enough to melt the glue but even if it does, it won’t be conductive and it will just pool at the base of the transformer as a worst case scenario.

Then reassemble and enjoy no more rattling when you leave the main power on for this unit.
Hello Steve Zazeski could you do me a favor, in the unit 862D+ soldering station
there are 3 or 4 capacitor, could you tell me volt and uF? I have the same station but the capacitor are blown out, defect converter 220/110. If its not to much trouble.
jean rossell
Four thinner capacitors:
C19 – 100uF 16v
C2 – 47uF 16v
E1 – 47uF 16v
C8 – 10uF 25v
Four fatter capacitors:
C25 – 100uF 50v
C18 – 220uF 50v
C12 – 220uF 25v
C10 – 47uF 25v