Rocketchat AWS SES Settings
I always struggle to find which AWS SES option you need to set to make apps work with it for regular SMTP. For rocketchat, I recommend using smtps mode on port 2465. Go to <domain>/admin/settings/Email Or on left sidebar of home, three dots > Administration > Workspace Settings (at the bottom left) > Email > SMTP openanalytics 324504 [...]
Keycodes for WeChip W1 Universal TV RemoteĀ
The WeChip W1 AirMouse is a nice usb remote that has some strange keycodes setup. Thankfully for most OS you can do a keyboard remap and get these to what you want. Windows – SharpKeysMac – Karabiner ElementsLinux – Xmodmap Keycodes Power button is not any keycode, it sends a command that triggers the dongle to usb [...]
Light Bulb Temperatures
So I got bored one day and happen to have an infrared thermometer. I thought it would be interesting to know just how much heat comes off light bulbs. Its more than you would think. But keep in mind, this is an IR thermometer being pointed directly at a light source that could throw off extra IR emissions. The numbers might not be the [...]
Inside a Canon 50mm Prime Len f1.8
In case you are wondering what the inside of your Canon 50mm Prime Len looks like, I wouldn’t recommend doing what I did. Accidentally tipping a tripod over and landing the camera on its lens. Click on the image for the full-size. openanalytics 4307 views
ColorVision Spyder vs Pantone Huey Pro Monitor Calibration Review
If you are in the market for a monitor color calibrator, you probably know the two major prosumer brand devices – Pantone Huey and ColorVision Sypder. After going back and forth I settled on getting the Huey Pro. First Experience Now I’ve used ColorVision Spyder Express to calibrate a lab of computers before. It works ok but [...]
What you Should Buy for your Next Computer 2010-2011
I’ve been promoting this setup to a lot of my friends that ask what should I get for my next computer. My answer might shock you. You should get a netbook and a 20″+ LCD monitor with a wireless keyboard set. The truth of the matter is that the average user doesn’t need half the power they buy and this setup is so [...]
For those that know me, they would never thought to see the day I would change my personal website over to WordPress. I won’t lie, I’m not a fan of WordPress. In fact, I spent a summer at a web design firm writing a new CMS solution to use instead of WordPress. Even now that I use it, I don’t like it. So why am I using [...]